To prepare for the 2022-2026 development phase with many new goals, JMB Media organized a kick-off event at the company's office, with the participation of BOD and all employees. The activity demonstrated the spirit of RESOLVE TO FIGHT - DETERMINATION TO WIN of JMB Media members, preparing the mindset to be ready to strive to achieve the set goals.
This activity has awakened new thinking, and new perspectives to form new people to fight together on new "battlefields", and accumulate new lessons to create new achievements full of pride, as the name of the kick-off event "NEW BRAINS - NEW GAINS" suggests. In addition to listening to the sharing of the Board of Directors about the company's development strategy from 2022-2026, employees also witnessed the appointment rituals of key positions according to the new structure as well as participated in many other related activities.
At the end of the event, each JMB Media employee gained a better understanding of the company's future development plan while committing to "NO NEW BRAINS - NO NEW GAINS", working together to achieve common goals and reaching further in the event organizing industry.